Paris Hilton Reiterates She And Britney Spears Are Selfie Inventors

News November 24, 2020

In 2017 Paris Hilton propounded on Twitter that she and her friend Britney Spears invented the phrase “selfie” in 2006. The famous self-made beauty multi-millionaire buttressed her claim with a selfie of herself and the diva taken in 2006.

However, the claim received massive objections on Twitter, from critics who argued selfies existed hitherto 2016, and as such, there was no way Paris Hilton and Britney Spears could have invented the phrase “selfie”. Some critics went even further giving some examples of what they claimed to be selfies dating back to the 1990s.

Notwithstanding, nevertheless, a few days ago Paris Hilton celebrated the 14th anniversary of her invention with Britney Spears of the selfie, hence reiterating her invention claim for the phrase that she made in 2017. That was reported by some media on November 21, 2020.

While Paris Hilton invention of the phrase “selfie” may be disputed at least in some quarters, she is, however, the undisputed inventor and trademark owner of the phrase “that’s hot” that is now quite popular in the fashion industry.
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